Hello Swampscott! (and anyone else)

You’ve landed here and have hopefully stuck around long enough to read this - thanks!  My main goal here is to keep folks posted on my thoughts and projects, mostly about life here in Swampscott. Further general questions are referred to StuffStuff.


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Motive 1 - Swampscott, Libraries, and Stuff

I will be running again for Library Trustee, this time as an incumbent, during the spring of 2011.  My term as a Town Meeting Member will also be up.  Hence, I hope to refresh some library-related and other Swampscott-y content and ready myself for another local election. That, and a good old-fashioned blog.

Motive 2 - I will master the Apps ...

MapStuff is where I was working on some Google Maps related content. That portion of the site will remain, but I’m hoping to prepare something more useful for visitors.

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